Auto update
To update the dataIMAGING Server application automatically You can use the Auto update function. You find this function by clicking on the ? for the help functions.
Manual update
Before installing the new version, You should do following steps:
Start the dataIMAGING Server service tab
Stop the service
If You want to keep the configured settings, You have to save the setting file. If You want reconfigure the dataIMAGING Server application after the update You can skip this section:
Open Your file browser and navigate to Your program folder (standard: C:\programs\ExifExtractorServer)
Copy the file config.json in a safe folder
Reinstallation of dataIMAGING Server:
Please execute Start -> All programs -> dataIMAGING Server -> Uninstall dataIMAGING Server
Install the new version by executing the setup file
If You want to restore Your settings, copy the saved file config.json in Your program folder (standard: C:\programs\dataImagingServer)
Start the dataIMAGING Server application. Integrate Your new license file and start the service