Subsequently, the new features of dataIMAGING Server are listed since version 2.0.
version 2.8.0
Resolution settings for photos in PDF export
Bugfixes concerning PDF expot via domain user settings
version 2.7.0
Creating as many dynamic subfolders as needed based on exif values
Creating subfolders for PDF reports and text files as well
version 2.6.4
Bugfixes and stability improvements
version 2.6.3
Bugfixes and stability improvements
Designation of PDF after creation time
version 2.6.2
Stability improvements
Integration of user manual
version 2.6.2
Stability improvements
Integration of user manual
version 2.6.1
Improvements in pdf layout
Bugfixes and stability improvements
version 2.6
Improvements in pdf layout
Bugfixes and stability improvements
version 2.5
Support of Ricoh G800SE photos
version 2.1.1
Processing of photos on the USB port after connection of the camera to the computer
Change the product name of "ExifExtractor Server" into "dataIMAGING Server"
version 2.1
Text export (CSV, JPL, TSV, PAD)
version 2.0
Change of the license model to enterprise-wide licensing (camera licenses)
Alphabetic sorting of input directories
Delete photos after a defined interval
"Memo values limitation" option