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In this slider the scheme used to group the photos to PDFs may be defined. The PDFs will be named following the defined naming scheme using exif information. The selected output directory and file name will be used as a prefix. If only grouping parameters are used for naming, the file name should be given as “_” (without quotation marks).

In case grouping is not required, leave the input field „Parameters for grouping” empty. Then all images will be saved in one PDF.

The settings of grouping items are carried out analogously to the renaming of file names (see section Batch Rename Settings). In case you are confident with file renaming, you may skip the following description.

Select the required exif information from the drop-down list and click on the button.

The element will then be place in the text field „Parameters for grouping:“. Here, you can modify the order. In case of syntax errors, the text field will be highlighted in red.


Consequently, a PDF is generated for all photographs with the same values in the first memo name and value field. The PDFs will be named following these values, e.g. “barcode123.pdf”, “barcode124.pdf.”