Additional Links and Information / Limitations

Known Limitations

Layer stacks: The stacks differ between JS and Flex client. Further information...

Point labeling: The number of features to be labeled is limited to 150 due to performance issues regarding the browser. If there are more point features within the map extent they won't be labeled.

Grouped basemaps: Sliders for changing the grouped basemaps are just available in the Flex client and the JS desktop client. In the mobile clients the backgroundmaps will be listed without slider functionality.

Styling / Class breaks: For the calculation of the statistic values just the first 20.000 values will be included. Larger datasets may lead into some differences to the calculations over the complete dataset. Furthermore, only numeric data fields can be used for the classification. Class breaks features won't be visualized in clusters. However, they'll be decluttered in the whole scale range.

Styling / Unique values: Geometries of symbology type "Unique Value" will not be displayed in the icon size-, decluttering- and clustering-preview in the Icon Configuration. Such point features also do not appear in the regular map preview. In addition, atlasFX is limited in such a way, that only string and integer fields can be selected for a unique value configuration. The Layer legend will only be displayed, if the group layer option is enabled.

Styling / Heatmaps: Only numeric data fields can be used for heatmaps. On Microsoft Internet Explorer, heatmaps are fully supported from version 10 and newer. Heatmaps cannot be displayed in a clustered or decluttered way.

RoutingTool: The RoutingTool is not available in version 3.0+.

Domain: The domain name may not contain the term "atlas". Otherwise the Flex component will not load.

Flex client specific information

The QueryMapExtentTool is exclusively available in the Flex map client.

The ProfileTool is exclusively available in the Flex map client.

The PublishUrlTool is exclusively available in the Flex map client.

JavaScript specific information

The IdentifyAndSelectionTool is just available in the JavaScript client. It's currently not available in atlasFX 3.0+.

The CoordinateTransferTool is exclusively available in the JS desktop client. It is not available in the Flex client and not in the mobile clients.

Language settings are not covered by Esri components

The language settings are not covered by Esri components (like tooltip of the the drawing tools and color picker) when changing the language during the execution of the map application. For this purpose, a reload of the entire map is required, which is by default turned off. Via external interface you can change this (see documentation for external JS interface).

Label Feature

In javascript viewer the settings for the text background color has no effect. In contrast to the Flex client the starting point for labeling is the lower left point of the label text. Therefore, the thumbnail differs minimally to object labeling compared to the view in the javascript viewer. In the flex client the center of the label is used as base point. Preview and the real map view are identical in flex.

Limitations in mobile Clients

Most tools are not available in mobile clients.

System specific words

If you are using services which are using the following keywords as field names it' possible that atlasFX will not work properly or/and show an error message:


Please avoid field names containing any of these keywords.

Avoid special characters

While using ArcGIS you know that using special characters in field names should cause problems. The same problems will happen while using data with special characters in field names in atlasFX as atlas vector layer. In atlasFX special characters could cause problems while loading, displaying and querying the data. Only the special characters ä, ö, ü, Ä, Ö, Ü, ß are allowed.

Please avoid others while maintain your data.

Links to example data





Esri example data


Esri example data


Esri example data, including street maps.

We assume no liability for the contents of the above listed links.

Links to WMS services

We assume no liability for the contents of the above listed links.

Links for icons





Search engine for icons. Partially royalty free. Icons for applications and data.

We assume no liability for the contents of the above listed links.