Preconfigured Basemaps

By configurating your own basemap it is possible to compose different tiled grid services into one basemap. Therewith, you can combine partly transparent grid services with basemap grid services (e.g. hybrid maps from aerial image or a street dataset).

To configurate your own basemap click on the button images/download/attachments/1149652/image2015-6-8_18_53_59.png :


You can add a basic layer as source of a baselayer or a toplayer easily per drag and drop. For both ranks there is a restriction that the layertype has to be 'CachedRaster'.

The Spatial Reference ID (SRID) of the toplayer and the baselayer have to be the same. By editing the input field 'Labeling' you can define the label of you basemap.

After saving your edits your new basemap appears in the folder 'preconfigured layers'.
